Saturday, April 11, 2009

Two Easters

Happy Easter everyone!!!!!!!!

Today is April 12th…well, the first April 12th. Tomorrow will be the second Sunday, and therefore, the second Easter. Due to the time changes and the crossing of the International Date Line, we are adding another day. We have two April 12ths, which is so cool! Who gets to repeat days (except Bill Murray)?? AND we get to celebrate Easter twice! This morning, we had a sunrise service on the 7th deck and we got to sing and listen to the gospel while watching the sunrise over the Pacific. It was awesome! Kate and I got dressed up today, since we have never not dressed up on Easter, but unfortunately we have 4 classes today. So, instead of spending the day with family, eating, and going to church, we are sitting on the ship, in class. But that’s just a small downfall of getting to be in the middle of the Pacific on this trip, so I won’t complain. Tomorrow night (the 2nd Easter), we’re having a full church service, so we’ll let you know how that goes. We also don’t have Global Studies tomorrow because on the 13th, we also have our second GS exam, so they’re giving us the day to study (when in reality, we’re going to use the extra time to sleep)!

Two other big things are happening soon- the SOS charity auction and the talent show. The auction is on the 13th, and our group, Students of Service, is putting it on. We have a raffle, a silent auction, and al live auction at night. We have over 65 prizes that can be bid on, including a week stay at a vacation home in Hawaii, being the first person off the ship in Ft. Lauderdale, and getting free popcorn for you and ten friends to watch a movie of your choice. We’ve been working really hard, and I have high hoped for it, so we’ll let you know how it turns out. Should be a lot of fun! The other thing coming up is the talent show. I signed up to play the piano and sing. I thought it would be more like an open mic night- the chance to perform. But apparently, they can’t have too many acts, so they’re having auditions on the 15th, and if they pick you, then you get to participate in the talent contest, not show. I’m a little nervous about it, but I’ve been practicing, so hopefully it turns out okay! Even if I don’t get to perform, it’ll still be a great night- there are so many talented people on the ship!!

Well, I think that’s all for now. We get to Hawaii in 8 days, which is very exciting, and a little bittersweet. The next two ports will be fun, but the major part of the trip is over, and you can feel the mood changes on the ship- excited to get back home and see everyone, but sad at the same time to be leaving all of the new friends we’ve made and the environment and routine that are so familiar to us. We still have a long way to go, and we are all cherishing every minute of it because it’s going to fly by, and before we know it, we’ll be disembarking. Hopefully it doesn’t come too soon, though ;-)

We miss you all! Love you lots!!

K & S


mom2twins@sea said...

Good luck at the talent show and auction! This will be the only time in life that you get two Easters back to back, so enjoy and reflect on the joy life has brought you two.

Love, Mom

Liz Cadwell said...

I can't wait until your next port is chicago! :)