Saturday, December 20, 2008

Itinerary/Where to send us stuff!

Here's the link to the official calendar, which says exactly what days we'll be in each port! It also has all the information on how to send us mail!!! We would love to get mail (who doesn't) so please send some if you can! You might even get some back!


Based on Eastern Standard Time, the time on-ship is behind by the number of hours listed below:

Spain:+6 hours    Morocco:+5 hours    Namibia:+7 hours      
South Africa:+7 hours      Mauritius:+10 hours       India:+10.5 hours
Thailand:+11 hours    Vietnam:+11 hours    China:+12 hours      
 Japan:+13 hours         Hawaii:-6 hours     Guatemala:-2 hours


So we thought we'd post all of the trips we're planning on doing in each country. We just got our pre-sale trips back today for the original countries, and we won't even get to pick for the newly added countries until January 6th! Anyway- here's the plan...

We're doing a SAS trip to Sevilla, Cordoba, and Grenada for 3 days/2 nights. We figured it'd be good to have something planned for the first port in case we don't know a lot of people or don't have enough time to plan something. On the first day, we're also doing a Cadiz city orientation.

We don't have anything solid planned yet, but we're thinking of taking a train to Marrakech and possibly doing a camel trek through the desert. Otherwise, we'll just be spontaneous!

Here, we're doing an indy safari (indy means it's not set up through SAS and most of the time it's a lot cheaper) that was set up by Kelly Berg (a fellow SASer) at the Etosha National Park. It's a 3 day/2 night trip where we'll get to see animals like zebras, elephants, giraffes, lions and tigers and bears (oh my) haha. Sorry I had to!

South Africa
We have A LOT planned in Cape Town! Which is surprising because we've only known we're going there for about 2 weeks. It's helpful that the Fall 08 voyage went there because I've gotten a lot of ideas from reading their blogs. So of the days there, we're going cliff diving (which is basically jumping off cliffs, swimming, and hiking all day). The rest of the days are unplanned but some of the things we really want to do are: climb Table Mountain, possibly do an Operation Hunger service project, go to Robben Island, and maybe go shark diving. We'll see...

Seeing as we only have about half a day in Mauritius, we are not planning a lot. Probably a little relaxing on the beach or snorkeling.

Here, we're doing an indy trip set up by Mandi Rose McAlister. We're going to the Taj Mahal and we get to visit the cities of Agra, Delhi, and Jaipur. I am really hoping that we still get to go to India with everything that's been going on, since it is one of the places I am looking forward to the most!

Not a lot planned here either. We might take a train to Phuket and ride elephants, explore Bangkok, go on an orphanage visit, or go to a tiger zoo and feed baby tigers :-)

We are soooo excited because we found out today that we got into the trip to Cambodia! As soon as we arrive in Vietnam, we're flying to Cambodia to visit Phnom Penh and the temples of Angkor Wat. While there, we also get to see the killing fields and the Palm Tree orphanage (which is actually run by two former SAsers!) After we return from there, we are also going to take a couple days to visit the War Remnants Museum and hopefully the Cu Chi Tunnels.

We're taking an indy trip to Beijing and The Great Wall set up by Tiffany Thompson. We'll be sleeping on the Great Wall and also visiting Tiananmen Square,The Forbidden City, Hutong tour, and the Summer Palace. Before and after this trip, we'll also be able to explore Hong Kong and Shanghai which is where the ship is docking. Thanks to Grandpa for giving us advice about China before we leave!!!

We are not planning anything in Japan until we get there. We're going to buy a train pass and just go wherever our hearts desire. We're going to try to make it to Hiroshima and see the museums there. If you know us at all, you know that our favorite place EVER is Disney World, so a trip to Tokyo Disney may be in order!!

We're going skydiving!!!!!!!!!!! And then bathing in the sun and hopefully making it to Pearl Harbor- As you probably know, we're a little obsessed with history and World War II has always been one of our favorite time periods, so to be able to see it in person would be awesome!

Since this is our last port (sad day...) we're not sure if we want to do a big trip or just relax with our friends. Two trips we're thinking of are a mountain biking excursion through local farms and villages, and a climbing/camping trip on Acatanengo Volcano. But that's still a long time away, so we'll have to play it by ear and see how we feel (and how much money we have left!) by the time we get there.

That's it for now. This trip is creeping up on us faster than we thought- only 26 days until we leave for the Bahamas and only 29 days until we set sail to Spain!! There is still sooooooooo much to do! We have to go shopping for everything we're gonna need, we have 3 goodbye parties to plan, Sarah still has to move out of her apartment, work out the final details with financial aid (those people WILL give us a heart attack!), finalize class approvals, and much more! We just CANNOT wait till we're finally standing on the back deck, waving with all the other students, and we're finally done with everything and on our way across the Atlantic! Until next time...

Saturday, December 13, 2008


I did it. I'm done with the semester...finally! And all I have to worry about now is getting ready for SEMESTER AT SEA!! I still can't believe it. I keep feeling like this is just a weekend off, and I still have to go back on Monday and take an exam or write another paper. Sarah and I made our packing list today, and went through and decided what we had and what we still needed to get. It seemed so crazy to think that we have to pack everything we might need for nearly 4 months! It turns out we need to buy a lot more than we thought we do. Little things, mostly, like magnets, sunglasses, notebooks, etc.
I'm so relieved to be done. It seems so close now!
And the Fall Voyage gets back to Miami tomorrow morning around 6:30 am! :) Then it'll be our turn!
We still have lots to do...plan trips for the new countries, shop, pack, say goodbye to everyone, get There's a lot to do. And only 32 days until we fly out of Chicago!
I'm going to go out to dinner with Sarah and my cousin Dan tonight for our birthday!
And then tomorrow is our birthday! Last day of being teenagers. I think I'll celebrate by eating cinnamon toast crunch and skittles. And watching old movies. :)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Africa, Here we come!!

The itinerary has been changed because of all the pirate attacks in the Gulf of Aden. So, instead of going to Italy, Turkey, and Egypt, we are now going to Morocco, Namibia, South Africa, and Mauritius! We're going to AFRICA!!!!!!!! We are kinda bummed because now we can't see Giulia (our friend in Italy) or our sister, Kristina, in Turkey. But we are super excited because when's the next chance we're gonna have to go to Africa?

The reason we chose Semester at Sea in the first place was to be different and take "the road less traveled". Everyone can go see Italy and the rest of Europe but who can say they've been to South Africa or Namibia?? I'm guessing not a lot of people. As much as we were looking forward to being tourists in Europe, I think these changes allow for an even greater and richer experience (if thats even possible)! We can't wait to go it is going to be so much fun! Except now we have to figure out what to do in those countries now.....hmm...Safari/camping in the desert, camel rides, shark diving, we just don't know what to do.....

Thursday, November 20, 2008



I am officially done with exams. Which means I'm now starting two full months of Christmas Break until we leave on January 19th. I will be relaxing, watching a lot of TV, and spending time with my family. Oh- and getting everything done for SAS. The more I get done, the more I find that I have yet to do. I am done with ALL the paperwork I need- both for my school and for SAS, and I got my passport and visas back earlier this week. I've picked out all the pre-sale trips I'm thinking of taking (I'll post in December when we find out which ones we get). I also FINALLY got my loan check and deposited it, so I can buy plane tickets, luggage, and basically everything else I'm gonna need! YAY! Oh- and BIG news! Our mom has decided to come with us to the Bahamas!!! We're flying down on January 16th and staying 2 nights. Because of work study, Kate and I board the ship on the 18th at 9 am. So, our mom will stay on more night and then see us off on the 19th!! I am sooo excited we'll get to spend time together before we leave cause I love her SO much and it'll be tons of fun!

Now, there's just the waiting. No more worrying about school or deadlines. Just relaxing and waiting. Life is gooooood!

59 days, 9 hours, 29 minutes, and 30 seconds......

Sunday, October 26, 2008


So...we FINALLY got to register for classes! You know, after the site shut down for a few hours, then we finally got through, then they erased everyone's classes, THEN they rescheduled. No big deal.

Anyway, here are the classes that I (Sarah) am taking:

SEMS 101 : World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
BIOL 105Z : Nutrition around the World B 1455-1610
EAST 192Z : Sex, Lies, Ninjas and the Man Who Built the Great Wall B 1045-1200
PSYC 101Z : Introductory Psychology B 1215-1330

And here are Kate's:

SEMS 101: World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
ARTS 161Z: Introduction to Drawing B 1215-1330
BIOL 105Z: Nutrition Around the World B 1455-1610
SEMS 115-2: Introduction to Microeconomic Theory B 1045-1200

The B means that those classes are on B days. At sea, we have class every day. It doesn't matter if it's Saturday or Sunday- every day. So we have A and B days. Global Studies is every day from 9:20 to 10:35 am. We happened to get the exact same schedule (there are only so many class times on a ship), so we both have 4 classes on B days and only 1 on A days! I am actually very happy with my schedule- after having 8:30 class every day this quarter, not waking up till 9:20 is gonna be amazing. Not to mention that our classes are literally 2 minutes away, so the commute is gonna be easy!

Just a quick update:

Kate and I have both sent in our visa applications for China and India, which was a bit scary because we had to send in our actual passports, so hopefully we don't need them before we leave! We both were also just approved for a loan so we can finally pay our tuition and buy plane tickets and everything else we need. I am getting my immunization shots on Wednesday, which I'm scared about but I also just want to get over with!

The time is going fast- thank goodness! Now, if this quarter could just be over....

Only 84 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes and 33 seconds left!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

That's HOW much money??



Those were my exact words when I found out how much money we got back from financial aid! We were hoping to get work study (which was originally $10,000 and you'd work approx. 4 hours a day while at sea). Then we got an e-mail saying they'd reduced work study to $4,000, which means you'd only have to work 2 hours a day, but it allowed more than twice the amount of people to get work study. They also said that the amount of people who applied for financial aid for this voyage went up 80%! That's a lot! So we were a little worried that we wouldn't get anything.

So, anyway, I got a call from Kate saying "Check your financial aid! Check your financial aid!" And We ended up BOTH getting work study ($4,000) AND a $6,000 scholarship! That's $10,000!!!! That's half of the trip! We are sooooo grateful and still can't believe how lucky we are! A lot of people didn't even get a dollar, and we got enough to cover half the trip! I guess this is a sign that we have to go on this trip for some reason :-) And we can't wait! Now we will only have to take out a small loan, instead of a $30,000 one like we had previously thought. Which is amazing.

We are SO excited! It actually seems like it's real now! Only 106 days left and it could not be going ANY slower! We'll post next when we register for classes! Bye for now!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally getting stuff done!


So I finally got my passport application sent in this morning and I feel so relieved! Now all we have to do is wait for the classes to be posted, get our loans, get our visas, decide on trips, and buy our plane tickets! Wow...I guess that seems like we still have a lot to do. But I'm so excited and hopefully this semester will go fast!
132 days! :)


Monday, September 8, 2008

Bored= Obsessing over SAS


So I'm at work and I am completely bored. And this of course translates into me stalking the SAS facebook group and reading blogs. I'm pretty sure this is an unhealthy obsession but I really don't care. haha. I can't help it. It is (almost) everything I think about. Someone said "India" the other day, and I had to restrain myself from shouting "India? I'm going there in exactly ... days!" It's getting quite ridiculous. After talking to a few other SASers, I don't feel quite as bad because they are even more obsessed than I am (if you can imagine)! I am hoping once classes start, I will have a lot more to think about, and therefore will not need to fill up my time torturing myself with a trip that is still (unfortunately) 4 months away...

On a more productive note, I applied for a passport on Friday and sent in my financial aid packet, which makes me so excited. Those two things have been on my to-do list for a really long time and now it feels like a weight off my shoulder! I wish we could get all the paperwork and stuff now so I could get it done before I get too busy, cause I can tell this quarter is going to be SO crazy! Oh well, hopefully that will make it go faster :-)

I guess I should get back to work. FYI- 132 days, 21 hours, and 53 minutes till we leave.....


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Here we go....

We thought we'd set up this blog so our family and friends can see what we're doing when we're traveling the world. And before then, we're gonna blog about everything we have to do to get ready for this incredible journey!

So there are exactly 148 days left until we set sail on the biggest adventure of our lives. Now, that might seem like a long way away (and, yes- it feels like a lifetime), but there is so much to do that we hope it will fly by. Classes start soon, we have tons to do for our jobs and sorority recruitment at our schools, and we haven't even begun to think about all the paperwork that needs to be done for semester at sea!

We still have to finish my financial aid packet, apply for passports, and send in our visa forms. Then in October, we'll have to pick classes and start thinking about what trips we want to take. We will probably end up having to take out a loan, so we'll need to get started on that process as well. So much to think about...

But at the same time, we know it will be completely and totally worth it. We have been obsessing over this program since February, when we first found out about it and applied. We have read countless blogs of SAS alumni, watched every youtube video there is, and researched everything there is to know about it. Now, we don't know if this is a good thing, but we can't help it- it's all we can think about. We just wish it was January already so we can go!!! I mean, think about it- one ship, 700 students, 11 different countries, 4 months, a billion new experiences...we just cannot wait! We're hoping the next few months go by quickly because otherwise we don't know what we're gonna do with ourselves!

Until next time...

Kate and Sarah