Sunday, October 26, 2008


So...we FINALLY got to register for classes! You know, after the site shut down for a few hours, then we finally got through, then they erased everyone's classes, THEN they rescheduled. No big deal.

Anyway, here are the classes that I (Sarah) am taking:

SEMS 101 : World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
BIOL 105Z : Nutrition around the World B 1455-1610
EAST 192Z : Sex, Lies, Ninjas and the Man Who Built the Great Wall B 1045-1200
PSYC 101Z : Introductory Psychology B 1215-1330

And here are Kate's:

SEMS 101: World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
ARTS 161Z: Introduction to Drawing B 1215-1330
BIOL 105Z: Nutrition Around the World B 1455-1610
SEMS 115-2: Introduction to Microeconomic Theory B 1045-1200

The B means that those classes are on B days. At sea, we have class every day. It doesn't matter if it's Saturday or Sunday- every day. So we have A and B days. Global Studies is every day from 9:20 to 10:35 am. We happened to get the exact same schedule (there are only so many class times on a ship), so we both have 4 classes on B days and only 1 on A days! I am actually very happy with my schedule- after having 8:30 class every day this quarter, not waking up till 9:20 is gonna be amazing. Not to mention that our classes are literally 2 minutes away, so the commute is gonna be easy!

Just a quick update:

Kate and I have both sent in our visa applications for China and India, which was a bit scary because we had to send in our actual passports, so hopefully we don't need them before we leave! We both were also just approved for a loan so we can finally pay our tuition and buy plane tickets and everything else we need. I am getting my immunization shots on Wednesday, which I'm scared about but I also just want to get over with!

The time is going fast- thank goodness! Now, if this quarter could just be over....

Only 84 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes and 33 seconds left!

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