Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Finally getting stuff done!


So I finally got my passport application sent in this morning and I feel so relieved! Now all we have to do is wait for the classes to be posted, get our loans, get our visas, decide on trips, and buy our plane tickets! Wow...I guess that seems like we still have a lot to do. But I'm so excited and hopefully this semester will go fast!
132 days! :)


Monday, September 8, 2008

Bored= Obsessing over SAS


So I'm at work and I am completely bored. And this of course translates into me stalking the SAS facebook group and reading blogs. I'm pretty sure this is an unhealthy obsession but I really don't care. haha. I can't help it. It is (almost) everything I think about. Someone said "India" the other day, and I had to restrain myself from shouting "India? I'm going there in exactly ... days!" It's getting quite ridiculous. After talking to a few other SASers, I don't feel quite as bad because they are even more obsessed than I am (if you can imagine)! I am hoping once classes start, I will have a lot more to think about, and therefore will not need to fill up my time torturing myself with a trip that is still (unfortunately) 4 months away...

On a more productive note, I applied for a passport on Friday and sent in my financial aid packet, which makes me so excited. Those two things have been on my to-do list for a really long time and now it feels like a weight off my shoulder! I wish we could get all the paperwork and stuff now so I could get it done before I get too busy, cause I can tell this quarter is going to be SO crazy! Oh well, hopefully that will make it go faster :-)

I guess I should get back to work. FYI- 132 days, 21 hours, and 53 minutes till we leave.....
