Tuesday, April 21, 2009


We know you've all been waiting, so here you go...

Angkor Wat at sunrise. Siem reap, Cambodia

The MV docked in Hong Kong harbor

Our wonderful guide, Tony, with Tara and us before leaving Beijing

The whole group of us in Shanghai: the twins, Kevin, Amy, and Ellie. Pat's taking the picture.

Movie night! Watching Mulan after leaving China with Greg, Patrick, Victoria, and Stephanie

Kelly, Alex, and us at the baseball game in Yokohama, Japan

The girls, Kate & I at a garden in Tokyo, Japan

Sunset in the middle of the Pacific


That's all for now. Enjoy!


mom2twins@sea said...

Thank you for posting such extraordinarily beautiful photos. You both look so happy and somehow older, more mature...

Miss you more than you know,


Anonymous said...

OK, so, what's more fun .... and what's more scary.... skydiving, or ziplining? (I'm sure I'd be a chicken liver on either but, .... do tell......). You look as though you are thoroughly enjoying it ALL! As it should be..... Make sure you take in some of that Caribbean sun on your way through those parts.....

Thanks for sharing all your joy.... Love you .... say your prayers!
