Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey Hey Hey!!!

This is gonna be a quick post, but wanted to let everyone know that we are in Osaka, Japan using free wi-fi at our hotel. We arrived yesterday and have already visited Hiroshima, Kyoto, Kobe, and now Osaka. We're going to Tokyo tomorrow, then Yokohama, and Mt. Fuji. We are super excited and love Japan already!

We only have a month left of this voyage- it is definitely going too fast and we are all feeling the effects of the fast-paced trek through Asia! But it is amazing and we are all having a fabulous time! Victoria, Stephanie, and Pat say hello!!

Grandma Flo and Uncle Stan- if you read this, know that we are thinking of you both and praying for you. We love you! Please feel better soon!

We miss you all tons, and hope everyone is doing well!

Hopefully we'll be able to update after we leave Japan. Talk to you soon :-)


AnnaTrupiano said...

I wanted to say your facebook post made me miss you guys even more! I'm counting down the days until I see you again!


Kayleigh said...

i wish i had known you were in japan sooner! you'll probably miss this, but in kyoto go to the golden temple! it's so cool and serene! and go to the cube mall!