The Taj! Amazing....
"Throw what you know" the Taj Mahal. No big deal. haha. Love you girls!!
Our awesome heart picture for our parents at the Taj. We love you, Mom, Dad, and Kathy!!!
Us jumping in front of the Taj
A boy and his brother, begging, in Jaipur, India.
I am constantly amazed by your insights and maturity. I love what the two of you have become: compassionate, accepting, intelligent citizens of the world. The experiences you're taking away from this are worth 3 college degrees! Keep it up. It gives us old folks hope for the world to come. Love you, Grandma Marianne
Ah Sara I LOOVE the throw what you know picture! I think you may have just started a new tradition!
I check your blog constantly and am absolutely fascinated by everything you guys are experiencing. I'm so glad you are getting the most out of your trip and love reading all your thoughts and opinions on what you see! I can't wait for you to get back and hear more about it! Have an amazing and safe rest of the trip!
Love. Love. Love.
If you squint your eyes and shake your head back and fourth, you can see Afras in the background. He's waving his little ostrich feather. "heyyyy Afras!" Ohhh that ostrich.
your hair looks so long in the pics!!!!!
but besides that everything looks so amazing!! i am so jealous and am living vicariously though you so keep having an fantastic time for me!
love you both!
and ps- i LOVE the jumping HSM-esque pic!
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