Sunday, October 26, 2008


So...we FINALLY got to register for classes! You know, after the site shut down for a few hours, then we finally got through, then they erased everyone's classes, THEN they rescheduled. No big deal.

Anyway, here are the classes that I (Sarah) am taking:

SEMS 101 : World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
BIOL 105Z : Nutrition around the World B 1455-1610
EAST 192Z : Sex, Lies, Ninjas and the Man Who Built the Great Wall B 1045-1200
PSYC 101Z : Introductory Psychology B 1215-1330

And here are Kate's:

SEMS 101: World Geography and the Human Mosaic (Global Studies) 0920-1035
ARTS 161Z: Introduction to Drawing B 1215-1330
BIOL 105Z: Nutrition Around the World B 1455-1610
SEMS 115-2: Introduction to Microeconomic Theory B 1045-1200

The B means that those classes are on B days. At sea, we have class every day. It doesn't matter if it's Saturday or Sunday- every day. So we have A and B days. Global Studies is every day from 9:20 to 10:35 am. We happened to get the exact same schedule (there are only so many class times on a ship), so we both have 4 classes on B days and only 1 on A days! I am actually very happy with my schedule- after having 8:30 class every day this quarter, not waking up till 9:20 is gonna be amazing. Not to mention that our classes are literally 2 minutes away, so the commute is gonna be easy!

Just a quick update:

Kate and I have both sent in our visa applications for China and India, which was a bit scary because we had to send in our actual passports, so hopefully we don't need them before we leave! We both were also just approved for a loan so we can finally pay our tuition and buy plane tickets and everything else we need. I am getting my immunization shots on Wednesday, which I'm scared about but I also just want to get over with!

The time is going fast- thank goodness! Now, if this quarter could just be over....

Only 84 days, 18 hours, 24 minutes and 33 seconds left!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

That's HOW much money??



Those were my exact words when I found out how much money we got back from financial aid! We were hoping to get work study (which was originally $10,000 and you'd work approx. 4 hours a day while at sea). Then we got an e-mail saying they'd reduced work study to $4,000, which means you'd only have to work 2 hours a day, but it allowed more than twice the amount of people to get work study. They also said that the amount of people who applied for financial aid for this voyage went up 80%! That's a lot! So we were a little worried that we wouldn't get anything.

So, anyway, I got a call from Kate saying "Check your financial aid! Check your financial aid!" And We ended up BOTH getting work study ($4,000) AND a $6,000 scholarship! That's $10,000!!!! That's half of the trip! We are sooooo grateful and still can't believe how lucky we are! A lot of people didn't even get a dollar, and we got enough to cover half the trip! I guess this is a sign that we have to go on this trip for some reason :-) And we can't wait! Now we will only have to take out a small loan, instead of a $30,000 one like we had previously thought. Which is amazing.

We are SO excited! It actually seems like it's real now! Only 106 days left and it could not be going ANY slower! We'll post next when we register for classes! Bye for now!